Seán Mcdonald Album's and EP'S

Time Flies


This was my debut Album. Released in 2013 under my full Irish name ‘Sean macdhomhnaill’ the problem was no one could remember, pronounce or even spell my surname. It seemed like a good idea at the time with me reconnecting with my Irish roots however we used the McDonald surname for all future projects.
I think it interesting how the name of the Album came about. After nearly a Century the Freight & Passenger Train Service from Mountmellick to Portlaoise ended in 1963 and our time as ‘Gate Keepers’ ended. In anticipation of the lines demise Dad went to Manchester to work in 1961. Mum, my brother Mike and my two Sisters Joan & Elizabeth RIP joined him about a year later. For a few weeks the rest of us kids scattered to the four winds were looked after by friends of the family. Then one sunny day in July Michael (Chappie) McEvoy turned up in Mountmellick herded us all together and we embarked by train to Dublin to get the Boat to England. It was a massive life changing adventure to all us Kids. The gang was (in age order) Mary, Josephine, Winnie, Myself and Peter corralled by Chappie.
We arrived at Euston Station and to break our journey we met our Dear Aunt Bridie (who was a housekeeper in Dublin at the time) in Madigan’s Bar just off O’Connell Street. It really is a beautiful period bar full of Mahogany décor frequented by TV celebrities and playwrights of the time. To say we looked out of place is something of an understatement. But our Aunt Bridie always had great style. We all sat in a row facing the bar as Aunt Bridie proceeded to pull sandwiches and crisps out of her bag like a magician pulling rabbits out of a hat. There was a knowing snarl on the bar man’s face which Aunt Bridie placated by buying a few minerals with many straws.
As we all settled down, I was particularly in awe of the place, and I noticed up over to our right was a beautiful wooden arch which is the way we had came in and above this resplendent arch was a clock above it in gold were the letters ‘Tempus Fugit’. I asked Aunt Bridie what it meant I am sure I mispronounced it, she replied ‘Time Flies’ so right there and then the name of my debut Album was born.
The first of 3 projects Produced by Matt. I did a cover version of Track 3-Cavan Girl & Track 5-Crashing Down. Track 7-They Think I’m Alright’ is a tribute to Don Murchie RIP from his Daughter Angie. In fact, Angie wrote a poem which is where the lyrics come from. I just wrote the chorus and put it all to music. I sang it originally, but it sounded much better with Helena’s gorgeous voice. I dedicated Track 8-Afraid of the Dark to my Dear Son Gary.
One final perhaps humorous fact about the Artwork. The Clock was given to me by my sister Mary and it’s face is the cover of the Album. Also, the clock shows almost 2 minutes past 7pm which is the precise time the Album was born. On Track 6-Dancing you will hear the tick tock of this clock throughout the song.
SMD 26/07/2021

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